On this page I will attempt to link to as many shale gas-related documents as I can find (please let me know if any of the links are broken). I've attempted to split them into a range of categories.
General Reports on the impacts of hydraulic fracturing:
- A review of hydraulic fracturing: A report by the Royal Society.
- The Geological Society and The Petroleum Explration Society Of GB: Submission To Roy Soc Inquiry Into Shale Gas: The Geological Society contribution to the Roy Soc report.
- Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe: Report by AEA commissioned by the European Commission.
- Hydraulic fracturing in the State of Michigan: Reports by Michigan University on potential impacts in the state.
- Engineering Energy: Unconventional gas production: Australian study by ACOLA (Australian Council of Learned Academies).
- Review of the potential public health impacts of exposures to chemical and radioactive pollutants as a result of shale gas extraction: A report by Public Health England
- Statement on shale exploration and development: Speech by Ed Davey.
- Hydraulic Fracturing 101: What Every Representative, Environmentalist,Regulator, Reporter, Investor, University Researcher, Neighbor andEngineer Should Know About Estimating Frac Risk and Improving FracPerformance in Unconventional Gas and Oil Wells. SPE 152596 by G. King.
- Commission Recommendation on minimum principles for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons (such as shale gas) using high-volume hydraulic fracturing: Recommendation by the EU Commission.
- Fracking UK Shale: Safety from design to decommissioning: Guide by DECC into UK regulations pertaining to shale gas.
- Shale-gas monitoring report: Report by Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
- Risk management of shale gas developments and operations: Best practice guide by DNV.
- The Lebien Report: Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing treatment performed on the Lebien LE-2H well by the Polish Geological Institute.
- Getting shale gas working: The Institute of Directors 2013 report on UK shale gas.
- Britain's shale gas potential: The Institute of Directors 2012 report on UK shale gas.
- Impact of shale gas on energy markets: Report by the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee.
- Unconventional gas: The potential impact on UK gas prices: Report by Navigant Consulting.
- European Gas: A first look at EU shale gas prospects: Report by Deutsche Bank.
- Macroeconomic effects of European shale gas production: Report by Poyry and Cambridge Econometrics.
- Bowland shale gas study: BGS resource estimate for the Bowland shale.
- Weald Basin shale oil study: BGS resource estimate for the Weald Basin.
- UK onshore wells: Data from the DECC website on existing oil and gas wells.
- Oil and gas field data: Data from the DECC website on historic onshore production.
- Potential greenhouse gas emissions associated with shale gas extraction and use: Report commissioned by DECC.
- The myths and realities of shale gas exploration: Speech by Ed Davey (09/2013) introducing the above report.
- Shale & renewables: a symbiotic relationship: Report by Citigroup.
- Leveraging natural gas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Report by the Center for Energy and Climate Solutions.
- Climate impact of potential shale gas production in the EU: Report by AEA commissioned by the European Commission.
- Shale gas: an updated assessment of environmental and climate change impacts: Report by the Tyndall Center.
- Is shale gas good for climate change? Paper by Dan Schrag.
- Has US shale gas reduced CO2 emissions? Report by the Tyndall Center.
- Preese Hall shale gas fracturing review and recommendations for induced seismic mitigation: Report by the BGS.
- Geomechanical study of Bowland shale seismicity: Report commissioned by Cuadrilla.
- Induced seismicity and hydraulic fracturing for the recovery of hydrocarbons: Paper by Davies et al..
- Investigation of observed seismicity in the Horn River Basin: Report by the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission
- Seismic monitoring of drilling operations in Balcombe, West Sussex: Report by Horleston et al. (Bristol Uni).
- Find a Well: Resource from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers, allowing a map search for wells and the composition of fracking fluids.
- Fracking UK Shale: Water: Guide written by DECC into water issues in the UK.
- Shale gas and water: Report by the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management.
- Hydraulic fracturing: meeting the nation's energy needs while protecting groundwater resources: Position paper by the (US) National Groundwater Association.
- Impact of shale gas development on regional water quality: Review paper by Vidic et al..
- State Oil and Gas Agency Groundwater Investigations And Their Role in Advancing Regulatory Reforms A Two-State Review: Ohio and Texas: Review by the Groundwater Protection Council. This also comes with a handy, useful ppt version.
- The Impact of Marcellus Gas Drilling on Rural Drinking Water Supplies: Report by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.
- Evaluation of Methane Sources in Groundwater in Northeastern Pennsylvania: Paper by Molofsky et al..
- Baseline Groundwater Quality from 20 Domestic Wells in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania: Report by the USGS on baseline (pre-drilling) water quality.
- Occurrence of methane in groundwater of South-Central New York State, 2012 - Systematic evaluation of a glaciated region by hydrogeologic setting: Report by the USGS.
- Geochemical and Isotopic Variations in Shallow Groundwater in Areas of the Fayetteville Shale Development, North-Central Arkansas: Paper by Warner et al. (the Duke Uni team).
- Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing: Paper by Osborn et al. (Duke again).
- An Evaluation of Water Quality in Private Drinking Water Wells Near Natural Gas Extraction Sites in the Barnett Shale Formation Paper by Fontenot et al..
- Hydraulic fractures: How far can they go? Paper by Davies et al..
- Hydraulic fracture height limits and fault interactions in tight oil and gas formations: Paper by Flewelling et al..
- Potential groundwater impact from exploitation of shale gas in the UK: Report by the BGS.
- Regulatory statements on hydraulic fracturing submitted by the states, June 2009: Reports from regulatory bodies in 12 states
- Environmental Impacts During Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling: Causes, Impacts and Remedies: Report by Considine et al. (2013), investigating environmental violations in the Marcellus shale.
- Oil and gas wells and their integrity: Implications for shale and unconventional resource exploitation: Paper by Davies and the Durham ReFINE Group.
- The flux of radionuclides in flowback fluids from shale gas exploitation: Paper by Davies and the Durham ReFINE Group.
- Monitoring and control of fugitive methane from unconventional gas operations: Report by the Environment Agency.
- State of the Air 2013: Annual report by the American Lung Association.
- Measurements of methane emissions at natural gas production sites in the United States: Paper by Allen et al..
- Evaluation of impact of shale gas operations in the Barnett Shale region on volatile organic compounds in air and potential human health risks: Paper by Bunch et al..
- A series of papers (comments and replies) discussing air quality measurements over Colorado and Utah shale fields: Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range - A pilot study by Petron et al.; Comment on “Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range: A pilot study” by Levi; Reply to comment on "Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado front range - A Pilot Study" by Petron et al.; Reply to “Reply to ‘Comment on “Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range – A Pilot Study”’ by Levi.; Methane emissions estimate from airborne measurements over a western United States natural gas field by Karion et al..
- Water and shale gas development: Report by Accenture.
- Life cycle water consumption for shale gas and conventional natural gas: Paper by Clark et al..
- Drought and the water-energy nexus in Texas: Paper by Scanlon et al..
- Water use for shale gas production in Texas, US: Paper by Nicot and Scanlon.
- It is often suggested that evidence regarding shale gas development is hidden behind legal settlements. This issue is assessed in the following report. Unconventional Oil and Gas Litigation Trends: Report by Navigant Consulting.
- A particularly newsworthy case involved a supposed gagging order on the Hallowich family. Here is a letter from the Pennsylvania DEP outlining the results of their tests on the family's water.
- Fracking: A report on the risks and benefits associated with the proposed exploration for oil at Lower Stumble, Balcombe: Investigation conducted by Balcombe Parish Council.
- Hydrogeological assessment of oil well drilling for protecting groundwater: Environmental Agency risk assessment for the Balcombe site.
- Drill phase Environmental Monitoring Report, Balcombe: Data collected by GroundGas Solutions studying impact of drilling at Balcombe on air and water quality.
- Measurements of methane gas, Dart Energy Forth Valley: Investigation by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency into allegations of fugitive methane leaks.
- Envrinomental Statement: Environmental Statement prepared by ARUP for Cuadrilla's Preston New Road drilling site.
- Public perceptions of shale gas in the UK: Report by Nottingham University.
- “Fracking” controversy and communication: Using national survey data to understand public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing: Paper by Boudet et al..
This page will remain "under construction" - new reports and papers will be added as they are published. Suggestions welcome, although I'm mainly aiming for peer-reviewed papers and major reports released by reputable organisations.
Dear Dr. JV - just come across your site - congratulations on such a useful and informative blog. With best wishes, Paul Glover http://gasandgaiters.blogspot.co.uk/ @pwjglover
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information on the radiological issues associated with fracking. I work for a nuclear service provider and we also ahve a great deal of experience with dealing with NORM from the oil and gas industry. I manage our Waste Characterisation Service and have been looking into some of the services that we can offer the industry.
It's not my speciality, so I won't go into detail. Basically, the fracking fluid can pick up small amounts of NORM during it's brief sojourn underground. The extent to which this happens depends on geological factors, but if it exceeds the various limits then it needs to be treated (much like produced water in conventional oil and gas). So far, Remsol have been doing this for Cuadrilla, so Lee Petts would be the guy to talk to - he's on twitter at https://twitter.com/remsolwaste
DeleteThat said, I guess you two might be in competition, but he's the most knowledgeable guy I've found on this particular topic.
A belated thanks for your excellent and informative site.
ReplyDeleteYou could add the Scottish Governemt's "Independent Expert Scientific Panel - report on Unconventional Oil and Gas" ..background here: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Business-Industry/Energy/resources/PanelUnconventionalOilGas
ReplyDeleteand the actual report (as a pdf file) here: http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0045/00456579.pdf
It was released last summer (during the World Cup, so didn't get much media coverage) and then for reasons of political expiedency promptly ignored by the Scottish Government (until the 2016 Scottish Elections are over I'd guess),
nice blog.